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§1 Scope of the house rules

The house rules apply to attending an event organized by Sparks & Visions gUG, Wöhrdstraße 29, 93059 Regensburg, Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) and to entering the event area used by the Organizer.

By purchasing an admission ticket (also in the case of a purchase contract with a third-party provider), the visitor acknowledges the validity of these house rules. This also applies if the venue is entered in other cases.

§2 House rules
House rules are the responsibility of the organizer.

The security and stewarding service deployed by the organizer is entitled to exercise and enforce domiciliary rights on behalf of the organizer, in particular to carry out checks in accordance with these house rules or to enforce expulsion and removal from the event site in accordance with these house rules or the statutory provisions.

§3 Purchase of admission tickets

Tickets may only be purchased if the purchaser intends to use these tickets to attend the event him/herself or to share them with friends or relatives or to give or pass them on to business partners or other related parties in the usual way.

The purchase of tickets for the purpose of resale to unknown third parties is prohibited.

The production and marketing of counterfeit tickets is punishable by law.

Visitors are advised to purchase tickets only via the channels announced by the organizer (information at

With the purchase of tickets from the organizer you agree to a possible postponement of the event due to Covid-19 to a date on which the event will be possible again.

§4 Cancellation, termination or postponement of the event

Events may be canceled or postponed. Should this occur, we will announce this on the festival homepage and via our social media channels. Please use these channels to find out whether the event will take place as planned.

Should the event be canceled, interrupted, postponed or significantly changed, our liability is limited to the pure face value of the tickets purchased. Any additional costs (e.g. for accommodation) are at your own risk and are excluded from liability.

A significant change to the event occurs when an event occurs that significantly changes the character of the event compared to what you were entitled to expect when you purchased your ticket. Changes to one or more artists in the lineup do not constitute such a significant change.

If the event is canceled, interrupted or postponed due to a circumstance that is not the responsibility of the organizer (force majeure, general conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and possible mutations, list not exhaustive), the right of the ticket holder to demand a refund of the nominal value of the ticket (contract withdrawal) is excluded in accordance with the following regulation:

The face value of the ticket is calculated on the basis of the ticket price and any deposit paid in advance.
Other costs such as advance booking fees, system fees and shipping costs are excluded.

The organizer has the right to reschedule the event at a later date.

If the event is rescheduled, the event tickets remain valid for the rescheduled date.

However, a refund of the nominal ticket value may be demanded in individual cases if it can be proven that the ticket purchaser cannot reasonably be expected to attend the rescheduled date. Reasons for this may be (list not exhaustive):

Vacation trips already booked before the catch-up date was announced

Events in the immediate family circle that cannot be postponed, such as weddings or christenings

If this right is to be exercised, the ticket purchaser must prove to the organizer that this is not reasonable.

Force majeure shall be deemed to exist in particular if events occur that are outside the organizer’s sphere of responsibility and influence. Examples include (civil) war or war-like events, political unrest, terrorist threats and acts, the use of chemical, biological or biochemical substances, increased radiation exposure at the venue and natural disasters. Force majeure also includes pandemics, epidemics, epidemics and comparable health hazards or their consequences.

In addition, force majeure shall be deemed to exist in particular if state, official or other public law interventions and measures such as orders, general decrees, etc. occur for which the organizer is not responsible and which prevent the event from being held or make it more difficult to hold the event.

Force majeure shall also be deemed to exist if a corresponding event has not yet occurred, but it is reasonably foreseeable that this event will occur at the time of the event.

Whether such a case will occur at the time of the event is at the discretion of the organizer, in particular taking into account the interests of the ticket purchasers.

§5 Admission of visitors

The Youth Protection Act applies to admission for visitors under the age of 18. The organizer is entitled to request suitable identification documents (e.g. identity card) to verify age.

Admission will only be granted on presentation of a valid original admission ticket and only if the visitor fulfills the conditions of these house rules.

The organizer is entitled to demand the presentation of an official photo ID in individual cases.

Tickets are validated upon admission.

Tickets cannot be returned or exchanged.

The visitor consents to checks on his/her clothing and any bags and containers he/she has brought with him/her for security reasons and to check compliance with these house rules at the entrance.

The organizer may change admission times, especially if this is necessary for safety reasons.

The organizer may refuse admission if

The visitor does not have a valid admission ticket,

The visitor refuses to present identification documents in the event of an age check,

The visitor refuses to allow his/her clothing, utensils or containers to be checked,

The visitor is recognizably under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances,

The visitor is carrying weapons or legally prohibited objects (see § 6),

there is a house ban against the visitor(s),

The visitor recognizably intends to disrupt the course of the event, exercise violence or incite violence,

The visitor attracts attention in advance by making racist, inhuman, homophobic or sexist statements in words, images or behavior or such a statement is clearly intended, or

the visitor recognizably intends to violate the house rules

In this case, the visitor is not entitled to a refund of the admission price. The organizer’s right to claim damages remains unaffected.

§6 Hygiene measures in connection with SARS-CoV2 or other viruses

If an ordinance of the City of Berlin regarding the coronavirus, SARS-CoV2 or variants thereof or other viruses comes into force on the date of the event, which only allows attendance at concert / festival events under certain conditions, the organizer will implement these conditions. These requirements may include

Wearing a medical mouth/nose protection or FFP2 mask on the event site (depending on the requirements of the regulation)

Compliance with certain distance regulations.

Presentation of a negative rapid antigen test or PCR test (depending on the requirements of the regulation) which must not be older than 24 hours on the date of the event.

In the case of a so-called 2G regulation, proof of vaccination or recovery.

Carrying out appropriate health checks (e.g. temperature measurements)

This list serves as an example and is not exhaustive. The provisions of the applicable ordinance are authoritative.
The refusal of a visitor to comply with applicable requirements on the date of the event (e.g. failure to provide proof of vaccination or refusal to wear a face mask (non-exhaustive list)) will result in exclusion from the event. A refund of the ticket purchase price is excluded in this case.

In addition to the requirements of the ordinance, the organizer may decide on additional hygiene and prevention measures at its own discretion or on the basis of conditions imposed by the local licensing authority and implement them on site.
These measures can be, for example

Wearing a face mask despite presenting an exemption from the mask requirement.

Specification of distance regulations that tighten the requirements of the general regulation – especially in the waiting and queuing areas.

Deviating from the regulation, requesting proof of vaccination or recovery.

Notwithstanding the regulation, the presentation of a negative rapid antigen test or PCR test which must not be older than 24 hours on the date of the event.

List serves as an example and is not exhaustive.
If this is the case, the organizer will inform all ticket purchasers in advance of the event in good time and in detail via the homepage, e-mail and social media.

The refusal of a visitor to comply with these requirements will result in exclusion from the event. A refund of the ticket purchase price is excluded in this case.

If required by law, the organizer will collect health data and / or personal data of visitors at the entrance and forward it to the responsible authorities to the extent required by law.

If the concertgoer does not fully comply with the legal and/or hygiene and prevention measures issued by the organizer, admission to the event may be refused. The ticket purchase price will not be refunded in the event of refusal.

§7 Visitors’ stay on the event site

Visitors must carry their admission ticket with them after admission and present it or any other access authorization issued to them at any time upon request.

If tokens, deposit stamps or the admission wristband are lost, they will not be replaced.

The visitor must behave in such a way that the organizer, other visitors and third parties are not harmed, endangered or harassed.

The instructions of the organizer and the security and stewarding service must be followed at all times.

Fire protection facilities and safety equipment may not be obstructed, blocked, covered or otherwise impaired or misused, not even temporarily.

The visitor is prohibited from doing so,

disrupt the course of the event,

to smoke in buildings outside the designated smoking areas,

to commit, assist or incite criminal, disorderly or generally disapproved acts,

endanger other visitors,

to light fires, set off fireworks or pyrotechnic objects,

smearing, damaging or removing any of the facilities and equipment, etc,

Climb fences, light poles, buildings, electricity boxes, sanitary stations, portable toilets and other infrastructure facilities on the event site,

to bypass barriers or to enter or assist in entering areas that are clearly not accessible to visitors,

to contaminate the event site,

to engage in advertising of any kind or to distribute flyers or other materials, unless this has been expressly permitted in writing by the organizer in advance,

uttering or spreading inhuman, racist, homophobic, obscenely offensive or insulting, right-wing extremist slogans,

Acting in a right-wing extremist manner, in particular displaying and using national socialist slogans (§ 86a StGB),

Unauthorized distribution or sale of drinks, food, souvenirs, clothing, promotional items, fan articles, merchandise and/or other goods and items.

to make sound, photo, film and video recordings of the event or parts thereof for commercial and/or industrial use,

to make sound, photo, film and video recordings of the artists and their performances, including for private use (this is already prohibited by copyright law),

To relieve oneself outside the toilet facilities.

In the event of a violation, the organizer may expel the visitor from the event. In this case, the visitor is not entitled to re-admission or a refund of the admission price. The organizer’s right to claim damages remains unaffected.

§8 Prohibited objects

Visitors are prohibited from carrying, bringing and/or using prohibited items.

Permitted items can be requested from the organizer.

The organizer reserves the right to exclude individual items on site for safety reasons.

§9 Recordings of the organizer

The organizer, sponsors and partners will take photos and videos of the event and visitors during the event. These are made publicly available on the Internet and social media presences. The visitor hereby agrees to this.

§10 Security

Visitors are advised to familiarize themselves with the existing and marked escape routes in advance or upon entering the event site.

The instructions of the organizer and the security and stewarding service or the police must be followed at all times.

This is a music event. Music is likely to cause damage to health and hearing due to its volume. The visitor is advised that staying in the immediate vicinity of the music system for a longer period of time is harmful to health.

The event takes place in all weathers. However, the organizer reserves the right to interrupt or cancel the event if there is a risk to visitors due to weather conditions.

For safety reasons, the organizer may temporarily or completely clear and cordon off individual areas of the festival site without this giving rise to a claim for a partial refund of the ticket price, provided that the visitor is no longer able to experience essential parts of the event itself. The relevant instructions of the organizer or the instructions of the persons and companies commissioned by the organizer must be followed immediately in order to avert danger to life and limb.

§11 Program

The organizer may change parts of the program, in particular if this is necessary in the event of a cancellation or withdrawal of artists or due to weather conditions or other influences on the event.

The artists are solely responsible for the content of their performance, the organizer only influences the program through its selection of artists.

§12 Liability of the organizer

The organizer shall be liable without limitation for property damage and financial losses caused to the visitor, insofar as they were caused by gross negligence or intent on the part of the organizer or its vicarious agents. However, the organizer shall only be liable for property damage and financial losses caused to the visitor, insofar as they were caused by slight negligence on the part of the organizer or its vicarious agents, in the event of a breach of a material contractual obligation, the fulfilment of which is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on the observance of which the visitor may regularly rely (so-called cardinal obligation). Its liability for slight negligence is limited to the amount of damages foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract, the occurrence of which must typically be expected.

However, the organizer is fully liable for damage to life, body and health caused to the visitor by the organizer or its vicarious agents, i.e. for any kind of negligence and for intent.

The organizer is not liable for theft on the event site, unless he is liable in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2, unless he has clearly or expressly assumed a duty of safekeeping.

§15 Data protection

Our data protection information applies to the provision of personal data in the web form.


Responsible person:

Name/Fa.: Sparks & Visions gUG
Street no.: Wöhrdstraße 29
Zip code, City, Country: 93059
Regensburg, Germany
Managing Director: Anastasia Wolkenstein
E-mail address:

Status: 01.10.2021

Basic information on data processing and legal bases
1. This privacy policy explains the type, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data within our online offering and the associated websites, functions and content (hereinafter jointly referred to as “online offering” or “website”). The privacy policy applies regardless of the domains, systems, platforms and devices used (e.g. desktop or mobile) on which the online offer is executed.

2. the terms used, such as “personal data” or their “processing”, we refer to the definitions in Art. 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

3. the personal data of users processed in the context of this online offer includes inventory data (e.g., names and addresses of customers), contract data (e.g., services used, names of clerks, payment information), usage data (e.g., the websites visited on our online offer, interest in our products) and content data (e.g., entries in the contact form).

4. the term “user” includes all categories of data subjects affected by data processing. These include our business partners, customers, interested parties and other visitors to our online offering. The terms used, such as “user”, are to be understood as gender-neutral.

5 We only process users’ personal data in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. This means that user data is only processed if legal permission has been granted. I.e., in particular if the data processing is necessary for the provision of our contractual services (e.g. processing of orders) and online services, or is required by law, the consent of the user is available, as well as due to our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation and security of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR). 1 lit. f. GDPR, in particular when measuring reach, creating profiles for advertising and marketing purposes, collecting access data and using the services of third-party providers.

6 We would like to point out that the legal basis of the consents is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. and Art. 7 GDPR, the legal basis for the processing for the fulfillment of our services and implementation of contractual measures Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR, the legal basis for processing to fulfill our legal obligations Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c. GDPR, and the legal basis for processing to protect our legitimate interests is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR is.

Security measures

1. we take organizational, contractual and technical security measures in accordance with the state of the art to ensure that the provisions of data protection laws are complied with and to protect the data processed by us against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorized persons.

2. security measures include, in particular, the encrypted transmission of data between your browser and our server.

Disclosure of data to third parties and third-party providers

1. data will only be passed on to third parties within the framework of legal requirements. We only pass on user data to third parties if this is necessary, e.g. on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR is necessary for contractual purposes or on the basis of legitimate interests pursuant to Art. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR for the economic and effective operation of our business.

2. if we use subcontractors to provide our services, we take appropriate legal precautions and appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.

3. if content, tools or other means from other providers (hereinafter jointly referred to as “third-party providers”) are used within the scope of this data protection declaration and their registered office is located in a third country, it can be assumed that data will be transferred to the countries in which the third-party providers are based. Third countries are countries in which the GDPR is not directly applicable law, i.e. generally countries outside the EU or the European Economic Area. The transfer of data to third countries takes place either if there is an adequate level of data protection, user consent or other legal permission.

Provision of contractual services

1. we process inventory data (e.g., names and addresses as well as contact data of users), contract data (e.g., services used, names of contact persons, payment information) for the purpose of fulfilling our contractual obligations and services in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Art. 6 para. 1 lit b. GDPR.

2. users can optionally create a user account in which they can view their orders in particular. As part of the registration process, users are provided with the required mandatory information. The user accounts are not public and cannot be indexed by search engines. If users have terminated their user account, their data will be deleted with regard to the user account, subject to their retention for commercial or tax law reasons. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR is necessary. It is the responsibility of users to back up their data before the end of the contract in the event of termination. We are entitled to irretrievably delete all user data stored during the term of the contract.

3. in the context of registration and renewed logins as well as use of our online services, we store the IP address and the time of the respective user action. The storage is based on our legitimate interests, as well as those of the user in protection against misuse and other unauthorized use. This data will not be passed on to third parties unless it is necessary for the pursuit of our claims or there is a legal obligation to do so in accordance with. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR.

4. we process usage data (e.g., the websites visited on our online offering, interest in our products) and content data (e.g., entries in the contact form or user profile) for advertising purposes in a user profile, e.g., to display product information to users based on the services they have used to date.

Contact us

1. when contacting us (via contact form or e-mail), the user’s details are used to process the contact request and its processing in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b) GDPR is processed.

2. user data may be stored in our customer relationship management system (“CRM system”) or comparable inquiry organization.

Comments and contributions

1. if users leave comments or other contributions, their IP addresses are stored on the basis of our legitimate interests within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. 1 lit. f. GDPR for 7 days.

2. this is done for our security in case someone leaves illegal content in comments and posts (insults, prohibited political propaganda, etc.). In this case, we ourselves may be prosecuted for the comment or contribution and are therefore interested in the identity of the author.

Collection of access data and log files

1. we collect data on the basis of our legitimate interests within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO data about every access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files). The access data includes the name of the website accessed, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.

2. log file information is stored for security reasons (e.g. to investigate misuse or fraud) for a maximum period of seven days and then deleted. Data whose further retention is required for evidentiary purposes is excluded from deletion until the respective incident has been finally clarified.

Google Analytics

1. on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR). GDPR) Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses cookies. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the online offer by the user is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

2. Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law( ).

3. google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within this online offer and to provide us with further services associated with the use of this online offer and the use of the Internet. Pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data.

4. we use Google Analytics to display the ads placed by Google and its partners within advertising services only to those users who have also shown an interest in our online offer or who have certain characteristics (e.g. interests in certain topics or products determined on the basis of the websites visited) that we transmit to Google (so-called “remarketing” or “Google Analytics audiences”). With the help of remarketing audiences, we also want to ensure that our ads correspond to the potential interest of users and are not annoying.

5. we only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymization. This means that the IP address of the user is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

6. the IP address transmitted by the user’s browser will not be merged with other Google data. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by setting their browser software accordingly; users can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to their use of the online offer to Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

7. for more information about Google’s use of data, setting and objection options, please visit Google’s websites: (“Google’s use of data when you use our partners’ websites or apps”), (“Use of data for advertising purposes”), (“Manage information that Google uses to show you advertising”).

Google Re/Marketing Services

1. on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR). GDPR) the marketing and remarketing services (“Google Marketing Services” for short) of Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, (“Google”).

2. Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law( ).

3. the Google marketing services allow us to display advertisements for and on our website in a more targeted manner in order to present users only with advertisements that potentially match their interests. If, for example, a user is shown advertisements for products in which they have shown an interest on other websites, this is referred to as “remarketing”. For these purposes, when our and other websites on which Google marketing services are active are accessed, a code from Google is executed directly by Google and so-called (re)marketing tags (invisible graphics or code, also known as “web beacons”) are integrated into the website. With their help, an individual cookie, i.e. a small file, is stored on the user’s device (comparable technologies can also be used instead of cookies). The cookies can be set by various domains, including,,,, or This file records which websites the user has visited, what content they are interested in and which offers they have clicked on, as well as technical information on the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of visit and other information on the use of the online offer. The IP address of users is also recorded, whereby we inform Google Analytics that the IP address is shortened within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and only in exceptional cases is it transmitted in full to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address is not merged with the user’s data within other Google offers. Google may also combine the above-mentioned information with information from other sources. If the user subsequently visits other websites, he can be shown ads tailored to his interests.

4. user data is processed pseudonymously as part of Google marketing services. This means that Google does not store and process the user’s name or email address, for example, but processes the relevant data in relation to cookies within pseudonymous user profiles. This means that, from Google’s point of view, the ads are not managed and displayed for a specifically identified person, but for the cookie owner, regardless of who this cookie owner is. This does not apply if a user has expressly permitted Google to process the data without this pseudonymization. The information collected by Google marketing services about users is transmitted to Google and stored on Google’s servers in the USA.

5. the Google marketing services we use include the online advertising program “Google AdWords”. In the case of Google AdWords, each AdWords customer receives a different “conversion cookie”. Cookies can therefore not be tracked via the websites of AdWords customers. The information collected with the help of the cookie is used to create conversion statistics for AdWords customers who have opted for conversion tracking. AdWords customers find out the total number of users who clicked on their ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, they do not receive any information with which users can be personally identified.

6. we can integrate third-party advertisements on the basis of the Google marketing service “DoubleClick”. DoubleClick uses cookies to enable Google and its partner websites to serve ads based on users’ visits to this website or other websites on the Internet.

7. we can integrate third-party advertisements on the basis of the Google marketing service “AdSense”. AdSense uses cookies to enable Google and its partner websites to serve ads based on users’ visits to this website or other websites on the Internet.

8. we can also use the “Google Optimizer” service. Google Optimizer allows us to track the effects of various changes to a website (e.g. changes to input fields, design, etc.) as part of so-called “A/B testing”. Cookies are stored on users’ devices for these test purposes. Only pseudonymous user data is processed.

9. we may also use the “Google Tag Manager” to integrate and manage Google analysis and marketing services on our website.

10. further information on the use of data for marketing purposes by Google can be found on the overview page:, Google’s privacy policy is available at

11. if you wish to object to interest-based advertising by Google marketing services, you can use the setting and opt-out options provided by Google:

Facebook social plugins

1. on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR. GDPR) social plugins (“plugins”) of the social network, which is operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”). The plugins can display interaction elements or content (e.g. videos, graphics or text contributions) and are recognizable by one of the Facebook logos (white “f” on a blue tile, the terms “Like”, “Gefällt mir” or a “thumbs up” sign) or are marked with the addition “Facebook Social Plugin”. The list and appearance of Facebook social plugins can be viewed here:

2. Facebook is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law( ).

3. when a user calls up a function of this online offer that contains such a plugin, his device establishes a direct connection with the Facebook servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted by Facebook directly to the user’s device and integrated into the online offering. User profiles can be created from the processed data. We therefore have no influence on the scope of the data that Facebook collects with the help of this plugin and therefore inform users according to our level of knowledge.

4. by integrating the plugins, Facebook receives the information that a user has accessed the corresponding page of the online offer. If the user is logged in to Facebook, Facebook can assign the visit to their Facebook account. When users interact with the plugins, for example by clicking the Like button or leaving a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted directly from your device to Facebook and stored there. If a user is not a member of Facebook, it is still possible for Facebook to find out and store their IP address. According to Facebook, only an anonymized IP address is stored in Germany.

5. the purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by Facebook as well as the related rights and setting options to protect the privacy of users can be found in Facebook’s data protection information: /.

6. if a user is a Facebook member and does not want Facebook to collect data about them via this online service and link it to their membership data stored on Facebook, they must log out of Facebook and delete their cookies before using our online service. Further settings and objections to the use of data for advertising purposes are possible within the Facebook profile settings: or via the US site or the EU site The settings are platform-independent, i.e. they are adopted for all devices, such as desktop computers or mobile devices.

Facebook, Custom Audiences and Facebook marketing services

1. within our online offer, the so-called “Facebook pixel” of the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or if you are resident in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”), is used due to our legitimate interests in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer and for these purposes.

2. Facebook is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law( ).

3. with the help of the Facebook pixel, Facebook is able to determine the visitors of our online offer as a target group for the display of advertisements (so-called “Facebook ads”). Accordingly, we use the Facebook pixel to display the Facebook ads placed by us only to those Facebook users who have also shown an interest in our online offering or who have certain characteristics (e.g. interests in certain topics or products determined on the basis of the websites visited) that we transmit to Facebook (so-called “Custom Audiences”). With the help of the Facebook pixel, we also want to ensure that our Facebook ads correspond to the potential interest of users and are not annoying. With the help of the Facebook pixel, we can also track the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes by seeing whether users were redirected to our website after clicking on a Facebook ad (so-called “conversion”).

4. the Facebook pixel is integrated directly by Facebook when you visit our website and can store a so-called cookie, i.e. a small file, on your device. If you subsequently log in to Facebook or visit Facebook while logged in, your visit to our online offering will be noted in your profile. The data collected about you is anonymous to us, so it does not allow us to draw any conclusions about the identity of the user. However, the data is stored and processed by Facebook so that a connection to the respective user profile is possible and can be used by Facebook and for its own market research and advertising purposes. If we transmit data to Facebook for comparison purposes, this data is encrypted locally in the browser and only then sent to Facebook via a secure https connection. This is done for the sole purpose of creating a comparison with the data that is also encrypted by Facebook.

5 Furthermore, when using the Facebook pixel, we use the additional function “extended matching” (here, data such as telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or Facebook IDs of the users) to form target groups (“Custom Audiences” or “Look Alike Audiences”) are transmitted to Facebook (encrypted). Further information on “extended adjustment “: ).

6. also on the basis of our legitimate interests, we use the “Custom Audiences from File” process of the social network Facebook, Inc. In this case, the email addresses of the newsletter recipients are uploaded to Facebook. The upload process is encrypted. The upload is used solely to determine the recipients of our Facebook ads. We want to ensure that the ads are only shown to users who are interested in our information and services.

7. the processing of data by Facebook takes place within the framework of Facebook’s data usage policy. Accordingly, general information on the presentation of Facebook ads, in Facebook’s data usage policy: Specific information and details about the Facebook pixel and how it works can be found in the Facebook help section:

8. you can object to the collection by the Facebook pixel and use of your data to display Facebook ads. To set which types of advertisements are displayed to you within Facebook, you can go to the page set up by Facebook and follow the instructions on the settings for usage-based advertising: The settings are platform-independent, i.e. they are adopted for all devices, such as desktop computers or mobile devices.

9. to prevent the collection of your data by means of the Facebook pixel on our website, please click the following link:

Note: If you click on the link, an “opt-out” cookie will be stored on your device. If you delete the cookies in this browser, you will have to click the link again. Furthermore, the opt-out only applies within the browser you are using and only within our web domain on which the link was clicked.

10. you can also object to the use of cookies for reach measurement and advertising purposes via the deactivation page of the network advertising initiative( and additionally the US website( ) or the European website( ).


1 With the following information, we inform you about the contents of our newsletter as well as the registration, dispatch and statistical evaluation procedure and your rights of objection. By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree to receive it and to the procedures described.

2. content of the newsletter: We send newsletters, e-mails and other electronic notifications with advertising information (hereinafter “newsletter”) only with the consent of the recipient or legal permission. If the contents of the newsletter are specifically described when registering for the newsletter, they are decisive for the user’s consent. Our newsletters also contain information about our products, offers, promotions and our company.

3. double opt-in and logging: The registration for our newsletter takes place in a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that you will receive an e-mail after registration asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can log in with other people’s e-mail addresses. Registrations for the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with legal requirements. This includes storing the time of registration and confirmation as well as the IP address. Changes to your data stored with the shipping service provider are also logged.

4. dispatch service provider: The newsletter is sent via “MailChimp”, a newsletter dispatch platform of the US provider Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. You can view the privacy policy of the shipping service provider here: The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with the European level of data protection(

5 Furthermore, the mailing service provider may, according to its own information, use this data in pseudonymous form, i.e. without allocation to a user, to optimize or improve its own services, e.g. for the technical optimization of the mailing and presentation of the newsletter or for statistical purposes to determine from which countries the recipients come. However, the mailing service provider does not use the data of our newsletter recipients to write to them itself or pass it on to third parties.

6. registration data: To subscribe to the newsletter, simply enter your e-mail address. Optionally, we ask you to enter a name so that we can address you personally in the newsletter.

7 Statistical survey and analyses – The newsletters contain a so-called “web-beacon”, i.e. a pixel-sized file that is retrieved from the server of the mailing service provider when the newsletter is opened. As part of this retrieval, technical information, such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and the time of retrieval are initially collected. This information is used for the technical improvement of the services based on the technical data or the target groups and their reading behavior based on their retrieval locations (which can be determined with the help of the IP address) or the access times. The statistical surveys also include determining whether the newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links are clicked. For technical reasons, this information can be assigned to individual newsletter recipients. However, it is neither our intention nor that of the shipping service provider to monitor individual users. The evaluations serve us much more to recognize the reading habits of our users and to adapt our content to them or to send different content according to the interests of our users.

8. the use of the shipping service provider, the performance of statistical surveys and analyses and the logging of the registration process are based on our legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. We are interested in using a user-friendly and secure newsletter system that serves both our business interests and the expectations of users.

9 Cancellation/revocation – You can cancel the receipt of our newsletter at any time, i.e. revoke your consent. At the same time, your consent to its dispatch by the dispatch service provider and the statistical analyses will expire. A separate revocation of the dispatch by the dispatch service provider or the statistical evaluation is unfortunately not possible. You will find a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter at the end of each newsletter. If users have only registered for the newsletter and have canceled this registration, their personal data will be deleted.

Integration of third-party services and content

1. within our online offer on the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO). GDPR) content or service offers from third-party providers in order to integrate their content and services, such as videos or fonts (hereinafter uniformly referred to as “content”). This always presupposes that the third-party providers of this content are aware of the IP address of the user, as they would not be able to send the content to their browser without the IP address. The IP address is therefore required to display this content. We endeavor to only use content whose respective providers only use the IP address to deliver the content. Third-party providers may also use so-called pixel tags (invisible graphics, also known as “web beacons”) for statistical or marketing purposes. Pixel tags can be used to analyze information such as visitor traffic on the pages of this website. The pseudonymous information may also be stored in cookies on the user’s device and may contain, among other things, technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of visit and other information about the use of our online offer, as well as being linked to such information from other sources.

2. the following presentation provides an overview of third-party providers and their content, together with links to their data protection declarations, which contain further information on the processing of data and, in some cases already mentioned here, options for objection (so-called opt-out):

3. if our customers use the payment services of third parties (e.g. PayPal or Sofortüberweisung), the terms and conditions and data protection notices of the respective third-party providers, which can be accessed within the respective websites or transaction applications, shall apply.

4. external fonts from Google, Inc, (“Google Fonts”). The integration of Google Fonts takes place via a server call to Google (usually in the USA). Privacy Policy:, Opt-Out:

5. maps of the “Google Maps” service of the third-party provider Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy policy:, Opt-Out:

6. videos from the “YouTube” platform of the third-party provider Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Privacy policy:, opt-out:

7. functions of the Google+ service are integrated within our online offer. These functions are offered by the third-party provider Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. If you are logged into your Google+ account, you can link the content of our pages to your Google+ profile by clicking on the Google+ button. This allows Google to associate your visit to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Google+. Privacy policy:, Opt-Out:

8. functions of the Instagram service are integrated within our online offer. These functions are offered by Instagram Inc, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA. If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can link the content of our pages to your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to associate your visit to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Instagram. Privacy policy:

9. our online services use functions of the LinkedIn network. The provider is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Each time one of our pages containing LinkedIn functions is accessed, a connection to LinkedIn servers is established. LinkedIn is informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. If you click on the LinkedIn “Recommend” button and are logged into your LinkedIn account, LinkedIn is able to associate your visit to our website with you and your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by LinkedIn. Privacy Policy:, Opt-Out:

10. functions of the Twitter service may be integrated within our online offer. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. By using Twitter and the “Re-Tweet” function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and made known to other users. Data is also transmitted to Twitter in the process. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Twitter. Twitter’s privacy policy can be found at You can change your data protection settings on Twitter in the account settings at

11. external code of the JavaScript framework “jQuery”, provided by the third-party provider jQuery Foundation,

12. use of the DGBRT ticket system
Sale of tickets / merchandise items
We use the DGBRT ticket system from DGBRT UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Alter Schlachthof 3, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany, on our website to sell tickets for our events and merchandise. In order to be able to process the sale and dispatch via this system, the data entered in the order form is transferred to the servers of the ticket system and stored there.
This data is used purely to fulfill the contract and is deleted after the statutory retention periods have expired. DGBRT is a service of the
DGBRT UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Alter Schlachthof 3 76131 Karlsruhe

Rights of the users

1. users have the right, upon request and free of charge, to receive information about the personal data we have stored about them.

2. in addition, users have the right to rectification of inaccurate data, restriction of processing and erasure of their personal data, if applicable, to assert their rights to data portability and, in the event of the assumption of unlawful data processing, to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

3. users can also revoke their consent, in principle with effect for the future.

Deletion of data

1. the data stored by us will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for its intended purpose and the deletion does not conflict with any statutory retention obligations. If the user’s data is not deleted because it is required for other and legally permissible purposes, its processing will be restricted. This means that the data is blocked and not processed for other purposes. This applies, for example, to user data that must be retained for commercial or tax law reasons.

2. according to legal requirements, the data is stored for 6 years in accordance with § 257 para. 1 HGB (trading books, inventories, opening balance sheets, annual financial statements, commercial letters, accounting vouchers, etc.) and for 10 years in accordance with § 147 para. 1 AO (books, records, management reports, accounting vouchers, commercial and business letters, documents relevant for taxation, etc.).

Right of objection

1. users can object to the future processing of their personal data in accordance with the legal requirements at any time. The objection may be made in particular against processing for direct marketing purposes.

Changes to the privacy policy

1. we reserve the right to amend the data protection declaration in order to adapt it to changed legal situations or in the event of changes to the service and data processing. However, this only applies with regard to declarations on data processing. If user consent is required or components of the privacy policy contain provisions of the contractual relationship with the users, the changes will only be made with the consent of the users.

2. users are requested to inform themselves regularly about the content of the privacy policy.

Use of cookies

Cookies are small text files or other storage notes that store information on end devices and read information from the end devices. For example, to store the login status in a user account, the contents of a shopping cart in an e-shop, the content accessed or the functions of an online service used. Cookies can also be used for various purposes, e.g. to ensure the functionality, security and convenience of online services and to analyze visitor flows.

Notes on consent:
We use cookies in accordance with the statutory provisions. We therefore obtain prior consent from users, unless this is not required by law. In particular, consent is not required if the storage and reading of information, including cookies, is absolutely necessary in order to provide the user with a telemedia service expressly requested by them (i.e. our online offer). The revocable consent is clearly communicated to the users and contains the information on the respective cookie use.

Information on legal bases under data protection law:
The legal basis under data protection law on which we process users’ personal data with the help of cookies depends on whether we ask users for their consent. If users give their consent, the legal basis for processing their data is their declared consent. Otherwise, the data processed with the help of cookies will be processed on the basis of our legitimate interests (e.g. in the business operation of our online offering and improvement of its usability) or, if this is done in the context of fulfilling our contractual obligations, if the use of cookies is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations. We explain the purposes for which we process cookies in the course of this privacy policy or as part of our consent and processing procedures.

Storage duration:
A distinction is made between the following types of cookies with regard to storage duration:

  • Temporary cookies (also: session cookies): Temporary cookies are deleted at the latest after a user has left an online service and closed their end device (e.g. browser or mobile application).
  • Permanent cookies: Permanent cookies remain stored even after the end device is closed. For example, the login status can be saved or preferred content can be displayed directly when the user visits a website again. The user data collected with the help of cookies can also be used to measure reach. If we do not provide users with explicit information on the type and storage duration of cookies (e.g. when obtaining consent), users should assume that cookies are permanent and that they can be stored for up to two years.

General information on revocation and objection (opt-out):

Users can revoke the consent they have given at any time and also object to the processing in accordance with the legal requirements in Art. 21 GDPR.
Users can also declare their objection via their browser settings, e.g. by deactivating the use of cookies (although this may also restrict the functionality of our online services). An objection to the use of cookies for online marketing purposes can also be declared via the websites and

Further information on processing operations, procedures and services:

  • Processing of cookie data on the basis of consent: We use a cookie consent management procedure in which users’ consents to the use of cookies, or the processing and providers named in the cookie consent management procedure, can be obtained and managed and revoked by users. The declaration of consent is stored so that it does not have to be requested again and the consent can be proven in accordance with the legal obligation. The storage can take place on the server side and/or in a cookie (so-called opt-in cookie, or with the help of comparable technologies) in order to be able to assign the consent to a user or their device. Subject to individual information on the providers of cookie management services, the following information applies: Consent may be stored for up to two years. A pseudonymous user identifier is created and stored with the time of consent, information on the scope of consent (e.g. which categories of cookies and/or service providers) as well as the browser, system and end device used.
  • Compliance: Cookie consent management; Service provider: Hosted locally on our server, no data transfer to third parties; Website:; Privacy Policy:; Further information: An individual user ID, language and types of consent and the time they were given are stored on the server and in the cookie on the user’s device.

Provision of the online offer and web hosting
In order to provide our online offer securely and efficiently, we use the services of one or more web hosting providers from whose servers (or servers managed by them) the online offer can be accessed. For these purposes, we may use infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space and database services as well as security services and technical maintenance services.

The data processed as part of the provision of the hosting service may include all information relating to the users of our online service that is generated during use and communication. This regularly includes the IP address, which is necessary in order to be able to deliver the content of online offers to browsers, and all entries made within our online offer or from websites.

  • Processed data types: Content data (e.g. entries in online forms); usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times); meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g. website visitors, users of online services).
  • Purposes of processing: Provision of our online offer and user-friendliness; information technology infrastructure (operation and provision of information systems and technical devices (computers, servers, etc.)).
  • Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR).

Further information on processing operations, procedures and services:

  • E-mail dispatch and hosting: The web hosting services we use also include the dispatch, receipt and storage of e-mails. For these purposes, the addresses of the recipients and senders as well as other information relating to the sending of e-mails (e.g. the providers involved) and the content of the respective e-mails are processed. The aforementioned data may also be processed for the purpose of detecting SPAM. Please note that e-mails on the Internet are generally not sent in encrypted form. As a rule, emails are encrypted in transit, but not on the servers from which they are sent and received (unless an end-to-end encryption method is used). We can therefore assume no responsibility for the transmission path of the e-mails between the sender and receipt on our server; legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR).
  • Hosting and software for the creation, provision and operation of websites, blogs and other online offerings; Service provider: Automattic Inc, 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA; Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR); Website:; Privacy Policy:; Data processing agreement:
  • ALL-INKL: Services in the field of the provision of information technology infrastructure and related services (e.g. storage space and/or computing capacity); Service provider: ALL-INKL.COM – Neue Medien Münnich, Owner: René Münnich, Hauptstraße 68, 02742 Friedersdorf, Germany; Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR); Website:; Privacy Policy:; Data processing agreement: Provided by the service provider.

Contact and inquiry management
When contacting us (e.g. by contact form, email, telephone or via social media) and in the context of existing user and business relationships, the data of the enquiring persons are processed insofar as this is necessary to answer the contact inquiries and any requested measures.

The response to contact inquiries and the management of contact and inquiry data in the context of contractual or pre-contractual relationships is carried out to fulfil our contractual obligations or to respond to (pre)contractual inquiries and otherwise on the basis of legitimate interests in responding to inquiries and maintaining user or business relationships.

  • Processed data types: Contact data (e.g. e-mail, telephone numbers); Content data (e.g. entries in online forms); Usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times); Meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses).
  • Affected persons: Communication partner.
  • Purposes of Processing: Provision of contractual services and customer support; contact requests and communication; Managing and responding to inquiries; Feedback (e.g. collecting feedback via online form); Provision of our online services and usability.
  • Legal basis: Fulfillment of contract and pre-contractual inquiries (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b) GDPR); Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR).

Further information on processing operations, procedures and services:
Contact form: If users contact us via our contact form, e-mail or other communication channels, we process the data provided to us in this context to process the communicated request. For this purpose, we process personal data in the context of pre-contractual and contractual business relationships, insofar as this is necessary for their fulfillment and otherwise on the basis of our legitimate interests and the interests of the communication partners in responding to the concerns and our statutory retention obligations; Legal basis: Contract fulfillment and pre-contractual inquiries (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b) GDPR), Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR).

Newsletter and electronic notifications
We only send newsletters, emails and other electronic notifications (hereinafter “newsletter”) with the consent of the recipient or with legal permission. If the contents of the newsletter are specifically described when registering for the newsletter, they are decisive for the user’s consent. Our newsletters also contain information about our services and us.

To subscribe to our newsletters, it is generally sufficient to enter your e-mail address. However, we may ask you to provide a name for the purpose of addressing you personally in the newsletter, or other information if this is necessary for the purposes of the newsletter.double opt-in procedure: Registration for our newsletter is always carried out in a so-called double opt-in procedure. This means that you will receive an e-mail after registration asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can log in with other people’s e-mail addresses. Registrations for the newsletter are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with legal requirements. This includes storing the time of registration and confirmation as well as the IP address. Changes to your data stored with the shipping service provider are also logged.

Deletion and restriction of processing:
We may store the unsubscribed e-mail addresses for up to three years on the basis of our legitimate interests before deleting them in order to be able to prove that consent was previously given. The processing of this data is limited to the purpose of a possible defense against claims. An individual request for deletion is possible at any time, provided that the former existence of consent is confirmed at the same time. In the event of obligations to permanently observe objections, we reserve the right to store the e-mail address in a blocklist for this purpose alone.

The registration process is logged on the basis of our legitimate interests for the purpose of verifying that it has been carried out properly. If we commission a service provider to send e-mails, this is done on the basis of our legitimate interests in an efficient and secure sending system.


Information about the International Jazz Festival “Sparks & Visions”

  • Processed data types: Inventory data (e.g. names, addresses); Contact data (e.g. email, telephone numbers); Meta/communication data (e.g. device information, IP addresses); Usage data (e.g. websites visited, interest in content, access times).
  • Affected persons: Communication partner.
  • Purposes of processing: Direct marketing (e.g. by e-mail or post).
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR); Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR).
  • Option to object (opt-out): You can cancel the receipt of our newsletter at any time, i.e. revoke your consent or object to further receipt. You will find a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter either at the end of each newsletter or you can use one of the contact options listed above, preferably e-mail.

Further information on processing operations, procedures and services:

  • Measurement of opening and click rates: The newsletters contain a so-called “web-beacon”, i.e. a pixel-sized file that is retrieved from our server when the newsletter is opened or, if we use a dispatch service provider, from their server. As part of this retrieval, technical information, such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and the time of retrieval, is initially collected and this information is used for the technical improvement of our newsletter based on the technical data or the target groups and their reading behavior based on their retrieval locations (which can be determined using the IP address) or the access times.
  • Legal basis: Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) GDPR).
  • Mailchimp: email dispatch and email marketing platform; Service provider: Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA; Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR); Website:; Privacy policy:; Data processing agreement:; standard contractual clauses (guaranteeing the level of data protection for processing in third countries): Inclusion in the order processing contract; Further information: Special security measures:

Changes and updates to the privacy policy
We ask you to inform yourself regularly about the content of our privacy policy. We will adapt the privacy policy as soon as changes to the data processing we carry out make this necessary. We will inform you as soon as the changes require an act of cooperation on your part (e.g. consent) or other individual notification.

If we provide addresses and contact information of companies and organizations in this privacy policy, please note that the addresses may change over time and please check the information before contacting us.

Rights of data subjects
As a data subject, you are entitled to various rights under the GDPR, which arise in particular from Art. 15 to 21 GDPR:

  • Right to object: You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you which is based on Article 6 (1) GDPR. 1 lit. e or f GDPR; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions. If your personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Right of access: You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and to obtain access to this data and further information and a copy of the data in accordance with legal requirements.
  • Right to rectification: In accordance with the statutory provisions, you have the right to request the completion of data concerning you or the rectification of inaccurate data concerning you.
  • Right to erasure and restriction of processing: In accordance with the statutory provisions, you have the right to demand that data concerning you be erased immediately or, alternatively, to demand that the processing of the data be restricted in accordance with the statutory provisions.
  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive the data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in accordance with the legal requirements or to request its transmission to another controller.
  • Complaint to the supervisory authority: Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the provisions of the GDPR.


Information according to § 5 TMG:

Sparks & Visions gUG (limited liability),
Wöhrdstraße 29, 93059 Regensburg, Germany

Local court Regensburg: HRB 19364
Sales tax ID: DE352535225

GF: Anastasia Wolkenstein
Tel: +49 (0) 160 1531978

This Imprint is also valid for the facebook page.

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Anastasia Wolkenstein, Wöhrdstraße 29, 93059 Regensburg, Germany

Exclusion of liability (disclaimer)

Liability for content

As a service provider, we are liable pursuant to § 7 para.1 TMG is responsible for its own content on these pages according to the general laws. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with the general laws remain unaffected by this. However, liability in this respect is only possible from the time of knowledge of a specific infringement. As soon as we become aware of such infringements, we will remove this content immediately.

Liability for links

Our website contains links to external websites of third parties over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot accept any liability for this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. Illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. However, permanent monitoring of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. If we become aware of any legal infringements, we will remove such links immediately.


The content and works created by the site operators on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, processing, distribution and any form of commercialization of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected or the corresponding rights of use and exploitation exist. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such content immediately.